Aaron Gordon Mental Buckets Recap

May 07, 2021

By Ellie Lieberman

Denver Nuggets’ Aaron Gordon is more than a professional athlete. He was a heralded recruit out of the Bay Area, a star at University of Arizona, and the 4th overall pick in the NBA draft. Through a diligent work ethic, mindfulness, and a strong support system he is leaving a remarkable legacy. A steady self-awareness coupled with an eagerness to always get better allows Gordon to continuously push himself in workouts and as an activist. He runs a non-profit, takes on different roles on the court, and started a media company, demonstrating to the next generation everyone's potential is unlimited.

But having that much going on as well as the labels of what’s expected of him means that Gordon must work hard at what he can control. The first slice of that is by his work ethic on the court. Gordon doesn’t focus on being a superstar in his own right but on being the best teammate he can be. It all started before the NBA Draft when Gordon worked two-a-days six days a week with Packie. He focused on preparing to be a versatile player for any team he was drafted on.

Before the NBA Draft, Aaron Gordon worked two-a-days with Packie for six days a week. That work is continuing to pay off for Gordon. Currently for the Nuggets, he occupies a jack-of-all-trades position for the squad, averaging 10 points and 4.8 rebounds per game, and shooting nearly 50% from FG range.

When asked what has contributed to his success in the NBA, he said, “Just being myself, being the glue,” to Packie and Mike on Mental Buckets.

It is this combo of on-court work ethic, team-first mentality and mental training that has made Gordon a staple in the NBA.

As he says, “As long as you can keep your mind focused and calm and keep the goal of being in the present moment and have fun with the game and winning, you’re better off.


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